Priorities & Productivity Course

Stop focusing on more things and start focusing on the right things.


This course will teach you how to become more accomplished at work, more attentive at home, and more available to serve God and others.

It doesn’t take many conversations with men to find common themes regarding how they are feeling. Overwhelmed. Busy. Tired. Overworked. It also doesn’t take many conversations to recognize that a lot of men don’t live with intentionality in life. They allow life to lead them, rather than taking initiative and leading the lives God has given them. Men need a practical and effective productivity system that empowers them to make the best use of their time and relationships.

This course will help you learn how to stop focusing on doing more things and start focusing on doing the best things in the right areas of life during the relevant seasons of life. You will learn a system for determining your greatest priorities, setting and achieving goals in those areas, and establishing life-giving rhythms in the day-to-day that help you make the best use of the time you have. As you implement the material, you will begin to experience the kind of focus and freedom that allow you to become more accomplished at work, more attentive at home, and more available to serve God and others.

Come join us as we pursue greater peace, rest, and success amidst the busyness of life. The course can be taken individually or with other men. Sign up solo, recruit 1 or 2 men to join you, or take this course with your entire men’s group.